Saturday, February 7, 2009

As If I Don't Have Enough To Do

As if I don't have enough to do, I started a puzzle. It's a Cardinal puzzle and as you see by the box the puzzle is in the shape of the Cardinals. It's only 650 pieces, however the shapes are really different. The edges are not straight and corners squared off like in normal puzzles. I started it yesterday and I have quite a ways to go. One of the gals at my quilt guild loaned it to me. Like I said "as if I don't have enough to do". I'm still working on my pumpkins, the Christmas Wrap Quilt, and knitting some socks. When I need a break from all that, I go to the puzzle and find a few more pieces.

1 comment:

John'aLee said...

Maybe you can find something in the puzzle to inspire you in your quilting projects!